How To Improve Skin Elasticity
At some point or another, we will all gaze into the mirror and realize that our skin is not the same as it used to be. Wrinkles, creases, and laugh lines tend to be the first telltale signs, providing us with a subtle (ok, maybe not so subtle) reminder that our skin is beginning to lose elasticity.
While age is usually the number one culprit behind loose and paper-thin skin, you might be surprised to know that there are actually many other reasons as to why your skin could be aging faster than the speed of light.
Interested in learning more? We can help. Read on as we explore skin elasticity and tell you some of the best ways to get your bounce back. Are you ready?
Everything Your Need To Know About Skin Elasticity
Our skin is made up of three layers: the epidermis (the outermost layer), the dermis (the middle layer), and the subcutis (the deepest layer). In the dermis layer, our skin contains two kinds of essential proteins called elastin and collagen. It's these two fibrous proteins that are responsible for our skin's youthful bounce and flexibility.
But, when the collagen and elastin within our skin begin to break down, our body's natural production of these proteins also begins to slow down. This is when our skin can start getting a little droopy, lose its shape, and sag. Eventually, fine lines and wrinkles start to creep up on our complexion, resulting in older-looking skin.
Besides elastin and collagen, another key factor behind the loss of firmness and deepening wrinkles is the declining production of hyaluronic acid. What's hyaluronic acid, you ask?
Produced naturally by young skin, hyaluronic acid surrounds cells, ultimately helping them to bind to water and collagen. As we get older and production slows down, our skin becomes especially dry and, as a result, loses elasticity.
Why Does Skin Lose Its Elasticity?
Young skin contains plenty of elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid to keep it stretchy, plump, and hydrated. As we get older, however, these naturally start to decline. While age is the primary culprit behind your skin losing its elasticity, there are definitely some other reasons.
Too Much Sun
Yes, we all love looking as if we just came back from a tropical vacay, but constant sun exposure can be really damaging to your skin. In fact, the sun's harmful UV rays are a major cause of skin damage and can accelerate your skin's aging process tenfold.
According to one recent study, researchers looked at sun exposure among nearly 300 women and found that UV exposure was indeed responsible for roughly 80 percent of their visible aging signs. Wrinkles? Fine lines? Age spots? You can blame the sun.
When you expose your delicate skin to ultraviolet radiation for long periods of time, your skin's natural reaction is to overproduce an abnormal amount of elastin. Why is this so terrible?
Because balance is crucial for just about every single process in your body. When your skin goes into overdrive to produce a whole lot of elastin, it messes with collagen, causing it to break down. And what happens when we begin to lose collagen? Wrinkles and sagging.
Thirsty Skin
Believe it or not, one of the main causes of decreased skin elasticity is dehydration. You see, by the time we reach adulthood, our bodies are roughly 60% water, so it really shouldn't come as a big surprise that depleting your body of H2O will have consequences.
When your skin is especially thirsty, you'll notice that it'll start to get wrinkled, loose, and flaky. The good news is that keeping your skin properly hydrated from the inside out by drinking water and moisturizing is all it really takes to replenish your water levels.
Hormonal Changes
As we age, our estrogen (female sex hormone) levels begin to plummet. Estrogen is important because it increases glycosaminoglycans, which is another one of our skin's essential components.
Also known as amino sugars, glycosaminoglycans are substances that fill up the space between collagen and elastin. There are several types of glycosaminoglycans, but the most common include keratin sulfate, heparin, and hyaluronic acid.
Poor Skincare
Yep, you read that right—having a poor skincare routine can definitely cause your skin to lose its elasticity. While forgetting to cleanse your face before hitting the hay can happen from time to time, sleeping in makeup every night can cause your pores to get clogged. This leads to ruthless breakouts and a buildup of sebum (your skin's natural oils).
It's best to cleanse your skin once or twice daily to keep it fresh. Washing any more than that can strip your skin of sebum and moisture, making your wrinkles much more noticeable. But that's not all; pressing or tugging on the delicate skin around your eyes can result in loss of elasticity as well, which can lead to droopy, thin skin and fine lines.
How Do I Improve My Skin’s Elasticity?
While we can't go back in time to when our skin produced collagen and elastin at a healthy rate, we can implement some changes to our lifestyle to help improve our skin's overall elasticity.
- Stay Away From Sugar: Did you know that overindulging in sugary foods can prematurely age your skin? When sugar enters your bloodstream, it binds to proteins, including collagen and elastin. This binding process produces toxic compounds, which can cause wrinkles, sagging skin, and dark circles under the eyes.
- Get Seven to Nine Hours of Beauty Sleep Every Night: Your skin works very hard to repair itself when you snooze, so getting a solid night's sleep is crucial to good skin health and improving elasticity. When you don't get enough restorative sleep, your skin can look dull, puffy, and loose.
- Level Up Your Skincare Routine: If you don't have a skincare routine, get one. You should be cleansing your skin one to two times daily to keep it clean and clear of impurities. In addition to cleansing, it's also important that you're exfoliating a few times each week as well. The at-home microdermabrasion handset from KENZZI gently exfoliates and suctions away impurities while promoting skin circulation, accelerating skin tissue development, and collagen production for a flawless glowing complexion.
- Try an IPL Treatment: IPL stands for intense pulsed light. IPL is fantastic for the skin because it encourages the production of collagen. It stimulates the natural process by which your body repairs all kinds of damage. Once produced, collagen immediately starts to work its magic, helping to improve the effects of sun damage and other factors that make your skin appear older. After an IPL treatment, you'll notice a big improvement in the appearance of your fine lines and wrinkles.
Pro Tip: While this popular treatment used to only be available via an appointment at a spa or doctor's office, with KENZZI’s IPL Hair Removal Handset, you can slow down the aging process and improve your skin's elasticity, all from the comfort of your very own home. What's not to love?
A Final Word
While losing elasticity in our skin happens naturally as we age, things like excessive sun exposure, noshing on too much sugar, and adopting a poor skincare routine can speed up the aging process. Thankfully, getting bounce back in our skin is simple, especially when you have KENZZI in your corner!
We have a true passion for delivering products that actually work. Whether you're looking to expertly exfoliate and suction impurities from your skin or you’re on the hunt for a solution for your fine lines and wrinkles, you can count on KENZZI to help you look and feel your best.
Be confident, be powerful, be beautiful, be you! Check us out today and start improving your skin's elasticity tomorrow.