How To Clear Up An Oily Nose
Shine is a really lovely thing on your nails, lips, the creases of your eyelids, and even in your hair. But on your nose—not so much. That said, if you struggle with a nose that’s shiny and oily 24/7, you’re not the only one. Don’t worry; there are many things you can do to nix the excess oil from your nose so that it’s clean and clear. Not sure where to start?
We can help!
Read on as we explore everything you need to know about the oil on your nose and the best tips and tricks to kick it to the curb.
Oily Nose 101: What You Need To Know
Believe it or not, having oily skin can sometimes be a blessing in disguise. Sure, the excess oil can definitely be a nuisance to work with, but this common skin type does have a plus: it wards off wrinkles and fine lines way better than dry skin.
How? Because the oils help to keep skin hydrated, plump, and smoother. But as we know, almost all things tend to have both pros and cons.
If you have oily skin, you may notice that your nose produces more oil because your pores are naturally larger than other pores on the face. While you can’t really alter the size of your pores, you can take steps to decrease the sebum (your skin’s natural oil) that your nose produces.
Why would you want to reduce the oil on your nose, you ask? Well, other than the relentless shine, when your nose is super oily, the sebum can mix with bacteria, dirt, grime, and dead skin cells, which can quickly seep into your pores, ultimately clogging them and resulting in acne.
Why Is My Nose So Oily?
Great question! Your nose is likely oily because your sebaceous glands are working overtime to produce more oil than necessary to keep your skin hydrated. These glands are located beneath the pores in your skin and are responsible for producing sebum.
This, along with the nose being prime facial real estate for the build-up of sweat and dirt, makes it a major hot spot for oil—even on an otherwise non-oily skin type. But as we touched on earlier, sebum is essential for many things, including the prevention of dehydration and dryness as well as providing lubrication to the skin.
So, what’s causing your sebaceous glands to go into hyperdrive? Here are some of the main culprits behind your oily nose:
Culprit #1- Gender: If you’re a male, your gender could be to blame for your skin troubles. You see, men tend to have oilier skin than women. The science behind this suggests the increased number of androgens, particularly dihydrotestosterone (DHT), as the primary reason for men’s noses getting ultra greasy.
- Culprit #2- Genetics: If you’ve always struggled with oily skin, you can probably thank your parents. Large sebaceous glands are a hereditary trait that can be passed down as part of your genetic code. Those with large sebaceous glands tend to produce more oil than those with smaller glands.
- Culprit #3- Hormones: Fluctuations in your hormones can cause your entire body to go out of whack, including your sebaceous glands. This results in excess oil, especially on the nose. This is one of the reasons behind a teenager’s battle with acne.
- Culprit #4- Overly Aggressive Skin Care: Your skin relies on the presence of sebum to keep itself healthy. If you’re using skin care products that are too harsh and strip your skin from all its natural oils, you may be causing your sebaceous glands to overproduce oils to compensate, resulting in an extra shiny nose.
How Do I Combat Excess Oil?
Now that you know what can cause an oily nose, let’s take a look at some of the best ways to clear one up.
Don’t Skip the Moisturizer
Many people will ditch their moisturizer, thinking it will worsen the oil on their nose, but this is certainly not the case. Your skin actually needs hydrating products to keep moisture levels in check.
Otherwise, oil production will go into overdrive to compensate for the lack of moisture. A good quality moisturizer will do wonders to help balance out the oil on your skin, including your nose.
Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen
Did we say sunscreen? Arguably the most important skincare product in the beauty bag, sunscreen protects the skin from harmful skin damage and reduces the risk of cancer. There is also quite a bit of research that suggests sun damage can make your nose pores appear larger.
This is because exposure to UV light sucks all the water from the skin, causing the sebaceous glands to swell, stimulating the production of oil. A broad-spectrum noncomedogenic sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater is an oily nose remedy that will protect your skin.
Exfoliate Twice a Week
Exfoliating your nose is probably the easiest remedy that can help to slough away dead skin cells, unclog pores, and combat shine. While there are quite a few options on the market when it comes to exfoliating, our KENZZI Microdermabrasion Handset is one of the best ways to exfoliate your skin.
This incredible system uses diamond-encrusted heads to expertly exfoliate and suction away impurities. These icky impurities can clog pores, leading to blackheads, spots, acne breakouts, and excess oil. Simply put, it’s your skin’s best friend and will help to balance oil to leave your complexion silky-smooth and blemish-free. What’s not to love?
Don’t Forget Toner
In addition to a great exfoliator and moisturizer, your skin routine should also include an alcohol-free toner with salicylic acid. This will help to remove and prevent blackhead formation caused by excessive oil build-up, especially on the nose. It will also help control the oil.
Take a Look at Your Diet
Believe it or not, the root of all your oily skin woes could actually start in your gut. Spicy foods, for instance, dilate blood vessels and make you perspire. Similarly, if you struggle with oil, steer clear from sugar and dairy as they feed and increase oil production.
To keep your skin healthy, a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and veggies—which are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and skin-nourishing antioxidants—is key.
Use Oil Blotting Sheets
If you’re a victim of excess oil, stock up on oil-blotting sheets and dab your nose throughout the day to control oil production. The popular sheets are coated with a powerful powder that absorbs excess sebum.
Drink More Water
Keeping your body properly hydrated throughout the day results in less inflammation and less blockage of the sebaceous glands. So despite what many people may think, hydration can actually help make your nose less oily.
Try a Nose Strip
Also known as pore strips, nose strips help in removing the top layer of dead skin cells on your nose to help keep pores clean. It also eliminates excess oil as well as dirt and grime on your nose, which can lessen a shiny appearance.
A Final Word
So, how does one clear up an oily nose, you ask?
To clear up the excess oil from your nose, it’s important to first check your diet and make sure you're drinking enough H2O. Hydration is super important in keeping your skin oils balanced. In addition, you’ll also want to make sure you have a solid skincare routine that includes a moisturizer, toner, and exfoliator.
The KENZZI Microdermabrasion Handset uses diamond-encrusted heads to expertly exfoliate and suction away pore-clogging dead skin cells, bacteria, and dirt. It also stimulates the skin, promoting blood circulation, accelerating skin tissue development, and collagen production. After just a few uses, you’ll notice less shine, a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles, and a dewy, youthful glow.
Here at KENZZI, we want you to feel beautiful in your own skin. That’s why we’ve created the at-home microdermabrasion handset to combat impurities, as well as the at-home IPL hair removal handset to leave your skin silky smooth and hair-free. Whatever your beauty needs are, we’re here to help!