The Best Anti Aging Skin Care Products
Thankfully trying to get ahead of your fine lines and wrinkles doesn’t always require a trip to the dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Many anti-aging skin care products you can use from the comfort of your own home still produce amazing results.
In addition to anti-aging skincare products, there are also some excellent skincare practices that you can put to good use to minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and tired-looking skin. In combination, the best anti-aging skincare products and practices will leave you not only looking more youthful but feeling more youthful too.
The reality is the earlier you can start using some of these products and taking some of this advice, the more you can prolong an aged face. No time is too early to take skincare seriously and start taking care of your skin.
Face Wash
Face wash plays a vital role when it comes to anti-aging products. Try to look for something that is extremely gentle. You want to ensure that the product is not too harsh on your skin. You must find the face wash that is right for you. Everyone has different types of skin: dry, oily, and combination are just a few.
There is no reason why you need to spend a large sum of money on a fash wash. There are some great mild face washes that you can even purchase at your local drug store.
If you are highly interested in finding the right one and don’t want to spend too much time testing things out, we recommend you speak to a dermatologist. This way, they can consider your skin type and lifestyle when recommending a specific face wash for you.
Once you have found the proper face wash, there are a few tips you can put to good use to make sure you aren’t damaging your skin in the process of washing it. First and foremost, use your hands to wash your face, and again be very gentle. Don’t use any harsh washcloths or scrub brushes.
After you have washed your face, don’t dry it too aggressively. Rather, pat your face dry with a towel. It doesn’t need to be fully dry because if you leave a little bit of excess water on your face, it will soak in to hydrate your skin once you put on your moisturizer.
Face Lotion
The next crucial anti-aging skincare product is a great face lotion. Again, try to go for a mild face lotion. Finding a face lotion that is right for you is dependent on your skin type. Try to do some research to determine what type of skin you have, and then go from here. It’s much easier to do this rather than just testing out a million face lotions.
Something vital to look out for in your face lotion is scent and fragrance. You want to ensure that there are either zero scents/fragrances or very mild and natural. This is extremely important as fragrances are often artificial and, therefore, not great to be putting on your skin for long periods of time.
Sometimes it is worth spending the extra dollar or two on a face lotion to ensure there are no harmful ingredients, especially because your face will be absorbing the product rather than washing it off like a face wash.
Once you have found a great face lotion, some application techniques can help with anti-aging. The biggest one is to make sure that you bring your lotion down your neck. This is an area of the body that people often forget about when they are young, but an area that shows the most age as you get older.
Eye Cream
Investing in a good eye cream is also a great anti-aging skincare product. Your under eyes are extremely sensitive, so you need to be extra careful when applying this product. Your ringer finger is the most gentle, and so it is best to apply your eye cream with this finger rather than using your pointer finger.
Microdermabrasion is also a fantastic way to keep your skin looking youthful and fresh. Believe it or not, you can even do microdermabrasion at home, which means you can spend more time doing other activities that make you feel like a kid at heart. KENZZI’s at-home microdermabrasion handset is the perfect way to benefit from microdermabrasion all by yourself.
Microdermabrasion is a gentle way that uses diamond-encrusted heads to exfoliate and suction away your dead skin cells. After a long day, you must give your skin a break, which is why we emphasize the importance of using gentle anti-aging skincare products. We truly cannot emphasize how gentle this device is, making it perfect for even sensitive skin types.
It even helps suction away other impurities that usually clog your pores, which leaves your skin looking tired and inflamed with spots, blackheads, and acne. This process leaves your skin looking and feeling youthful. In addition, this anti-aging skin care product is a great way to stimulate your skin while promoting blood circulation. In doing so, your skin tissue development and collagen production are accelerated.
Sun Protection
Sun protection, and more specifically sunscreen, is another amazing anti-aging skincare product that you should begin using at a very young age. Make sure to apply a high SPF to your neck, face, and hands, as these spots show your age the most as you get older.
Every sunburn you get damages your skin and has enormous consequences. Sun damage leaves your skin looking tired and can even leave it looking leathery if you sit in the sun for too long. For double the protection, wear your sunscreen and even throw on a sun hat.
Makeup Remover
Be careful when you are taking your makeup off! To delay your skin’s aging process and support youthful-looking skin, you need to be careful when taking your makeup off after a long day.
Try to avoid makeup wipes. While they are convenient in a pinch, they are harsh on your skin and the environment. As we have said before, try to purchase a very mild product and make sure not to press or rub too hard when taking your makeup off.
IPL Laser
Another phenomenal anti-aging skincare product is IPL laser. This easy hair removal method is perfect to use all over your body. This is a great way to keep your skin looking fresh and young, rather than letting your razor burn and ingrown hairs make guest appearances.
This anti-aging skincare product is one you can use from the comfort of your own home with little to no pain. Like our other recommendations, this is a product you can begin using when you are younger. This means that you can enjoy your smooth and silky, young-looking body for longer too!
Water and Hydration
While it is not a product, another one of the best anti-aging skincare tips we can give you is to stay hydrated. Staying very hydrated leaves your skin looking energized and allows the hydration to work its magic from the inside out.
This is a simple way to keep your skin feeling youthful! There is no excuse for why you can’t incorporate an extra glass of water or two into your daily routine.
In Conclusion
Since this can be an overwhelming process and you may not know where to start, we want to encourage you to start slowly. Work your way up to implementing all of these tips. Just dip your toes in the fountain of youth instead of jumping right in.
This leads us to one big final tip we have for you regarding anti-aging skincare products. Don’t introduce too many new products at once. By testing products slowly, you can better monitor your skin’s reaction to the products. If you try too many new things at once and your skin has a negative reaction, you may struggle to identify the cause of your skin’s response. As a result, you may need to start back from square one, which means you will have wasted precious time.
As we said before, no time is considered too early to treat your skin right. It is so important that you begin using anti-aging skincare products and practices early on, as your body will become more accustomed to them and, therefore, be prepared to support a more youthful look for longer.